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Wildlife Safaris

Tanzania is among the countries where most of the wildlife tend to make habitat, it is where you will find the big five(5) all together. It is a country filled with national parks all populated with lots of animals to watch providing you with the best scenery for safaris, a country with over 16 national parks and with Aspilia African Safaris you will get the perfect experience in sight and seeing making your wildlife safari memorable.

Wildlife Safari offers both Budget Safaris and Luxury Safaris. So whether on a budget or ready to splurge out we offer the most flexible itineraries for both. This allows clients to take advantage of exploring the wild depending on their budgets. On every wildlife safari you will gain lots of knowledge on the animals and the wilderness itself. The different animals that you should expect to see at the different parks are Rhinoceros, Wildebeests, Lions, Giraffes, Antelopes, Gazelles, Crocodiles, Elephants, Zebras, Cheetahs, Buffalos, Leopards and many more. As well as different types of birds and expect to learn about the Botany.





Walking Safaris

Tourists can also take part in Walking Safaris where they get to sightsee what the towns around the mountain have to offer. Cultural tours, waterfall viewing, and also learn about the culture from the society within that region. Walking safari is most likely to occur at any tour that you would wish to perform walking safari

Camping Safaris

Camping safari offers high quality wildlife safari experience provided due to camping in the national parks where you can view animals even at night whichever camp life it may be luxurious or at a budget some animals tend to come and visit the camp sites to make the experience one of its kind. Every client has an option to choose the camp with accordance to their budget and also we are happily willing to advice and recommend to you on the type of camp you can stay at. The advantage of camps is that they are more affordable than Tented Lodges, Resorts and Hotels.

Luxury camping

Budget camping

Budget camping

Birds Watching Safaris

Bird watching safari is one of the most relaxing safaris. Watching the birds flying, in their nests or on the ground, singing beautiful songs is pure enjoyment for people who love birds. Lake Manyara, Tarangire National Park and Arusha National Park are known for the different birds seen there and the birdlife in the forest is prolific with different species of birds that are found in Tanzania.

Mountain Hiking and climbing

Tanzania is occupied with mountains; having the largest in Africa as one of the countries prized possessions and a tour monument. Mountain Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa standing at 5,895 metres and we also have Mountain Meru and many more. Climbing these mountains is a great challenge but an even greater adventure and accomplishment. Here are the mountains that we offer tour on but if there are any that our clients are interested in climbing in Tanzania that have not been mentioned we can make that available.

Culture and Eco-tourism in Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. From the tall graceful Maasai warriors, the ancient ways of the Hadza bushmen, the resourceful agricultural practices of the Wameru, the artistic talents of the Makonde to the Chaga farmers and traders.


Visiting a Maasai village is a great way to learn about the culture of the Maasai. Probably the most famous of tribes, who still lives their lives like our grand-grand-grand-grand-fathers. Recognisable from their beautiful red costumes and shoes from tires. A must-see visit for travelers (they’re hard to miss). Maasai are a indigenous ethnic group inhabiting northern, central and southern Kenya and northern Tanzania and do originally reside near the many game parks of the African Great Lakes.

The language of the Maasai is Maa, a language derived from Nilo-Saharan, related to Dinka and Nuer. These days many Maasai also speak the official languages of Kenya and Tanzania, Swahili and English.

Beach Safaris

It is quite impossible to speak of Tanzania and not mention the word “beach”. Tanzania has islands such as Zanzibar, Unguja, Pemba, Mbudya, Bongoyo just to mention a few that can make the best Beach Safari for our clients. So if what you are after is Sand and Sun then this is one experience you do not want to miss out on. Undertaken at anytime of the year; with so many islands and coastal destinations we can make the perfect dream holiday come true for you!

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